Recently AIBSNLPWA, Andhra pradesh Circle had scheduled to hold Circle Executive Committee meeting of Andhra pradesh Circle in Guntur on 27-03-2021. But due to spreading of Corona pandemic, it was decided to hold CEC virtually on the same day itself.
Our CHQ leaders Coms. P.S.Ramankutty CHQ President, D.Gopalakrishnan CHQ VP and P. Gangadararao GS had spoken online through Videos. Here two Videos one of Com PSR and the other by Com. DG are posted. Com GS Video will be posted soon after getting the copy.
Links are given below. By clicking the links, respective videos could be seen. We comrades are longing for more than a year to attend meetings and conferences and hear the speeches of our great leaders. But could not get chances due to COVID 19. At this juncture here both are really a great boon and really a great feat. Switch on the speakers and listen.
Com. PSR Speech Video
Com DG Speech Video