President Com.Gurusamy presided over the meeting. Some doubts raised by some of our members about the recently conducted Office Bearers Election. The President clarified them well about the procedures followed strictly and which were accepted.
Com.SivakamaSundari , Circle Office Bearer in her inaugural speech narrated the events taken by our association to achieve these success and lauded selfless service of our leaders
Com.Dhanraj in his speech told that RTI service for about 152 times had been utilised by our association especially by Com.DG to get particulars of 78.2% IDA merger files. 6 times Draft had been redrafted. This is not a small task. But for our Leaders hard efforts and Hon.Minister's help we would not have achieved it. The services rendered by Com.Sidhu singh was well appreciated in the meeting.
District secretary Com.B.Arunachalam made an elaborate narration of all events. He told that 8 members have joined in our association as Life Members. He Welcomed all of them.
He met PGM and deplored about the delay in 78.2% arrears calculation process. PGM immediately called DGM(Finance) and gave a dead line date within which all works should be completed.
The 78.2% related works had been completed and 1230 Pension Revised orders are ready for distribution. Pensioners can come to Main Exchange building, meet Com. Satheesh in Pay Bill Section and get their revised pension orders. They can get arrears calculation through Com.Jagadeeswaran, Treasurer.
October 2000 to June 2001 retired BSNL pensioners were having Pension anomaly. We filed a case in the CAT Court and we have won the case through CAT Judgement. Nearly 23 pensioners of Kovai District would be benefited. We had the addresses of 6 of them and the information has been sent to them. Other pensioners are requested to contact us at the earliest.
For those who are unable to come in person to get the 78.2% IDA merger pension refixation orders, we are about to request the PGM, whom we would meet on 23rd January Monday to make arrangements to deliver the orders through us. If it was not possible, let the administration send through post.
For speedy and effective execution of our activities, a sub committee consisting 3 members had been formed such as,
To Send SMS Messages : Com.S.Ramakrishnan,
For Pension Calculations: Com.Jagadeeswaran,
For Minutes preparations: Com.Perumal.
The out going District Secretary Com.R.Thiruvenkatasamy was flicitated for his excellent service to the association and Pensioners. He had been honoured with Shawl and a momento with a standing ovation.
Com.S.Ramakrishnan, Asst District Secy, requested in a resolution that our association should do Social Services also to the needy people. This was accepted by all and the resolution was passed unanimously. Through this noble service, Food, Cloth, medicines etc would be offered collectively by all our members on special occasions.
It has been decided to conduct the Circle Executive Meeting in Coimbatore for 2 days and on the 2nd day evening to convene our District Special Meeting. We are awaiting for the dates from the Circle association.
Almost all EB members and special invitees totally 35 to 40 members attended and made it a great event.
Com.K.Sivakumaran while in his Vote of Thanks thanked the PGM for his intervention to get 78.2, and informed that PGM had told that pensioners having any problem in their pension fixation, arrears calculation etc could meet him directly. He thanked all members who had attended and took active participation.

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