ODISHSA, a small circle in size, but high in spirit, hosted our big All India Conference at a small place, Puri.
Ø Red Alert warning about a cyclone on coastal Odisha gave added burden to the hosts. With that fear and apprehension only we started the conference. But, the cyclone simply crossed over Odisha and got weakened. here were some showers and strong wind on 20,September.
Ø 1228 Delegates from 22 circles registered and participated in the conference. In addition, about 450 comrades from Odisha branches also attended the AIC.
Ø The conference adopted the Report and accounts unanimously. 49 delegates and some of the Central officers participated in the debate.
The delegates from every circle expressed serious concern over non-allotment of funds by BSNL for paying medical allowance and reimbursement under BSNL MRS, practically negating the order for restoration of allowance for pensioners.
All the delegates who participated in the Debate approved and supported the right demand for Pension Revision with fitment factor suggested by seventh CPC.
... AIC decided to organize mass Hunger Strike for one day in October/November 2018, at all SSA headquarters demanding Pension Revision with CPC fitment factor.
... AIC decided to hold a National Convention in New Delhi to draw attention of authorities on our major demand for pension revision with CPC fitment factor. We will approach other Pensioners’ organizations who agree with our demand.
... CHQ will announce the date and venue of the Convention in consultation with other organizations.
... Our members from Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan, UP East and UP West Circles should participate in the Delhi convention in largest number.Other Circles may send representatives.
... Cost for the participation will be borne by concerned SSA/Circle Units.
... CHQ will issue detailed instructions after finalizing the date, venue etc.
CWC considered all proposals but recommended only two amendments. AIC approved those amendments about Branches and Quota thereon. After the amendments the position shall be as;
(i) Name of our association remains same as AIBSNLPWA. There is no change for the time being.
(ii) The District units are free to form branches below SSA Units for better and effective functioning.
(iii) If branches are formed as above, the SSA Unit shall decide jurisdiction of such branches, as already provided in the constitution.
(iv) District conference of such SSA Unit, having branches, shall comprise of delegates elected by the branches at the ratio of One Delegate for every Ten members or part thereof.
[for example: for 5-14 members one delegate to District conference, for 15-24 members 2 Delegates, for25-34 members 3 Delegates, for 35-44 members 4 Delegates, so on so forth.]
(v) The branch shall remit quota as
20% to CHQ
20% to Circle
20% to District and retain remaining 40%.
(vi) If there is no branch under a SSA Unit, the Quota will be as
20% to CHQ, 20% to Circle and 60% will be retained by the SSA Unit.
(vii) For AIC and Circle Conference, the SSA Unit shall remain as the Base unit, as now.
Though the Conference ended on time as scheduled smoothly, unexpected problems were waiting for many Delegates.Due to some agitation at Kharagpur in West Bengal, 40 trains were cancelled. Hundreds of our delegates were stranded at Puri, Khurda Road or Bhubaneswar railway stations. Some had to catch flights. Some others like Ernakulam comrades had to spend 18 hours in railway platform for their trains.Some others had to travel in unreserved coaches, having no water, no toilet facility, and no food.It was a torture. We could not help them.Nobody could help them.Railways did not make any alternate arrangement.

On 21-9-2018, when we were in CWC meeting the shocking news reached us about sudden demise of Com. P C Moitra (72), our former All India Vice President and present Circle President of West Bengal. He had heart problem and has been moving with a pacemaker. But death came so unexpectedly. He came to Puri to attend the AIC. While sitting in front of the Conference hall he fell down on the lap of a comrade from Tamilnadu and expired on the spot.
Immediately he was taken to hospital and they declared brought dead. Some comrades console themselves that he could breathe last in the “holy land” of Puri. But, it was a shock for us. I and Com. Natarajan went to the hospital, terminating the CWC meeting and located the dead body kept behind the Puri District Hospital. I could take a shot of the dead body of my old comrade with 40 years friendship, under the light provided by Com. Natarajan’s mobile phone.
The postmortem was done and the dead body was brought to the AIC venue at 1315 hours on 22-9-2018.Hundreds of Delegates paid homage and the body was sent to Calcutta in an ambulance van.Com. AK Ghosh and Com. S R Dutta who came with late Com. Moitra accompanied the dead body.CHQ met all expenses for sending the body. Red salute to com. P C Moitra. ….PSR